
Friday 21 September 2018

Generate Referrals With Easy-to-Use Referral Marketing Systems
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How To Set Up Easy To Use "Referral Marketing Systems" To Push Your Business Into Increased Sales And Profits

The Top 40 Systems That Turn Your Contacts
And Clients Into A 24/7 No-Cost Sales Force

How much is each new customer worth to your business over the lifetime of their patronage - Hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of naira?

What is the best method of attracting more of these valued customers?

Suppose that you knew how you could easily add the most highly effective, yet inexpensive techniques to generate a steady flow… or even a "flood" of these new customers. Now suppose that these prospects contact you and are already "pre-sold" on buying your product and/or service!

Sound too good to be true?

Well, consider this… Statistics show that the quickest and easiest marketing method you can use to dramatically increase your company’s bottom-line is by attracting targeted “pre-sold” prospects through the generation of referrals.

For example… According to a recent online marketing survey, 70% of Internet users are compelled to visit new web sites through referrals.

The truth is… unless you are constantly and systematically generating sales from referrals, you are missing out on a huge profit opportunity.

The Problem: How exactly do you systematically generate prospects that are "pre-sold" on your product?

The Solution: With referral marketing "systems"

If you have never heard of referral marketing "systems" - let me explain to you the hidden "secrets" of how they work with this story…

As a marketing coach and consultant, I chat with clients and prospective clients all day long helping them increase sales with high-ROI marketing techniques. When I first start consulting with a client, almost all mention that they receive a small percentage of new business through referrals, and that they want to increase this number due to the high quality of prospects they generate.

But, most businesses do not have a formal process or system for the generation of referrals. In fact, most do not even ask, or they ask incorrectly. For example… many people think that generating referrals means asking their clients and contacts these funny questions:

"Can you recommend anyone for my business?"
"Do you know anyone who could use my product?"
These questions will NOT convince many people to refer business to you! And this leads me to my main point of this story…
Huge amounts of referrals
usually do NOT "just happen"
Luckily, increasing clientele and customers with referrals is a simple process, yet it is amazing how few businesses realize the upside potential and miss out on a significant new source of business and profits. This is because very few understand how referral marketing works. Your referrals need to be "systemized."

An Presentation Of Referral Marketing Systems:

Referral marketing "systems" are techniques and tools that you can easily integrate into your business (and/or website) that generate a steady flow of targeted prospects who are already "pre-sold" on purchasing your product or service.

If you wish to leverage your business into increased profits and sales, as well as reduce the amount of money and time wasted on not-so-profitable tasks such as cold calling and prospecting, then referral marketing is almost always the first place to start for any business or professional practice.

The Advantages Of Referral Marketing Systems:
  • Referral-generated customers are the least expensive, most profitable, and loyal source of new business.

  • Referral-generated customers also tend to buy quicker, negotiate less, buy larger quantities, and refer more business to you.

  • Your referral systems push (increase) the results generated from all of your marketing tactics by getting others to spread the word about your company and your products.

  • You can easily set up referral systems in your business to increase your profits. 
Here is the good news…

There is a new resource that will help you increase your sales and profits with referral marketing systems. It is called…

How To Push Your Business Into High Profits
With Easy-To-Use Referral Marketing Systems

7 Ways To Turn Your Contacts
Into A 24/7 No-Cost Sales Force

7 Referral Marketing Systems
This new resource is a 10 page guidebook in pdf "e-book" format that contains a total of 7 of the most successful, yet easy to use, referral and (Viral Internet) marketing systems available to you today.

We are specifically including these 7 systems because they are all examples of the best online and offline techniques used by the most intelligent marketers and the most innovative companies in the nigeria. These referral marketing systems are generating excellent results and can be easily adopted into YOUR business as well. In fact, I give you the step-by-step directions to do just that.

This guidebook contains specific step-by-step instructions on how to integrate these innovative marketing systems into any business’ operations. Each has been tested and proven by real businesses. You can easily customize and integrate 1, 2, 5, or even more of these techniques into your business as well.

Many of these referral marketing systems are designed to work on "autopilot." This means that after initial set-up, the system continues to generate sales and profits with little or no additional work involved. This allows you to "Focus on results, not on work."

Examples of Successful Referral Marketing Systems:

Wouldn’t you like to use this awesome referral system in your business?

Great, this guidebook is designed to do the following for you…
  • show you how to set up passive promotional efforts top 7 methods you can use in your niche areas where you can generate most profitable, and loyal source of new customers available;
  • Give you step-by-step instructions so you can set up 1 to 5 (or more) referral marketing systems that attract customers who buy quicker, negotiate less, buy larger quantities, and refer even more business to you;
  • Leverage on (increase) search engines (such as google, Facebook, forums) to fetch out prospects who are already searching for your offers;
  • Show you how to attract new referreral to your product or affiliate landing page”;
  • Show you how to use a system that boosts sales without subscriptions;
  • Show you how to use a powerful technique that leverages any lead generation system (or ANY marketing             tactic) into even more new sales;
  • Show you how to use "viral marketing" on the Internet;
  • Show you how to use simple Search method and other innovative techniques for generating leads sales;
  • Show you how to save time promoting product offers like link building, clocking affiliate links to prevent rejection;
  • Show you how to identify your potential sources of referrals, and how to partner in profits;
  • Help you to kick start your referral marketing system to integrate with your business;
  • Get you started right NOW today with at least one referral marketing system that works great;
  • And more…

This eBook is worth 25 thousand naira But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum project price. In fact your total investment for all 7 referral marketing systems is just #2,000 naira.

The information in this guidebook is easily worth thousands (quite possibly much more) in increased profits to you, yet the price of this guidebook is only #2,000 naira. You will easily make this amount back in the first referral you receive after using just one system.
So what’s the catch? Why am I practically
giving these referral marketing methods away?
Well, it’s really quite simple. Since you are accessing these through my whatapp page, I have no inventory and no fulfillment costs. I don’t need to pay anyone to take orders over the phone. This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So you win, and I win.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee
Your success in using these proven and powerful referral marketing systems is 100% guaranteed to work. If you make an honest effort to try just a couple of these referral marketing systems, and are not absolutely thrilled with the results – we will cheerfully refund your money.
You have one full year to try it. If your referral systems do not work – keep the guidebook. You can always use it later to increase your success in business.

I am including this guarantee to show you that there is absolutely no risk for you. There is only upside leverage for your business in the form of increased clientele and profits. The risk is all on me.

Here Is How To Get Your Referral Marketing Guidebook...
To get immediate (and unlimited) access to all 7 of our referral marketing systems in your copy of - "How To Push Your Business Into High Profits With Easy-To-Use Referral Marketing Systems" -
 To get a copy, pay the sum of #2,000 naira only and Use the following bank account details: 

 Account Holder: Johnson Olujimi Omotosho            Account Number:0168945129 (savings) 

 Note: After making payment of #2,000 naira, send email with your name,prove of payment, name of the eBook (refebook) and your e-mail address to: 08160624560
 and your eBook shall be sent to you immediately.

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